Person 1 |
Firstname : |
Lastname : |
Date of birth : |
Social Insurance Number : |
Email : |
Phone number (daytime) : |
Phone number (nighttime) : |
Civil status : |
Postal address |
Appartment : |
Civic number : |
Street : |
Line 2 : |
City : |
Province : |
Postal code : |
Person 2 (if spplicable) |
Firstname : |
Lastname : |
Date of birth : |
Social Insurance Number : |
Email : |
Phone number (daytime) : |
Phone number (nighttime) : |
Dependant child #1 (if spplicable) |
Firstname : |
Lastname : |
Date of birth : |
Social Insurance Number : |
Dependant child #2 (if spplicable) |
Firstname : |
Lastname : |
Date of birth : |
Social Insurance Number : |
Dependant child #3 (if spplicable) |
Firstname : |
Lastname : |
Date of birth : |
Social Insurance Number : |
Dependant child #4 (if spplicable) |
Firstname : |
Lastname : |
Date of birth : |
Social Insurance Number : |
New client of Napoli-Bertrand ? |
Are you a new client client ? |
Did you include a copy of your last year notices from both federal and provincial government ? |
Did you include a copy of your last year income taxes reports ? |
Moved ? |
Did you move this year ? |
Move date : |
Previous address (cwifsi applicable) |
Appartment : |
Civic Number : |
Street : |
Line 2 : |
City : |
Province : |
Postal code : |
Phone number : |
New address (if applicable) |
Appartment : |
Civic number : |
Street : |
Line 2 : |
City : |
Province : |
Postal code : |
Phone number : |
Civil status change (if applicable) |
Has your civil status or family status change during the year (wedding, divorce, common law, child birth, etc… ) ? |
Date of the change : |
Change explanation : |
Did you live alone all year? |
Medical Insurance |
Were you covered by a private medical insurance ? |
Were your spouse covered by a private medical insurance ? Note : Many secondary private insurance plans don't cover medications, please validate. |
If you or your spouse started being covered by a private medical insurance during 2023, please provide a copy of the confirmation letter provided by the insurer. On which date did the cover start ? |
Properties / Stocks |
Did you sell assets (real estate, primary or secondary property, etc.) ? |
If you have sold your primary residence, please provide us with a copy of your purchase and sale contracts. The same informations are required in the case of the sale of a secondary property (you or your spouse). In the case of your primary property, there are no fiscal deductions. The ministry of revenu wants to be informed about it. |
Did you sell assets (shares, obligations, etc.) ? |
Note : In the case of shares, brokers usually provide a statement of sales or summary for the fiscal year. The purchase price of the stock rarely appear, please make sure to provide us with this information. |
Shares sale value : |
$ |
Shares purchase price : |
$ |
Date of purchase : |
Date of sale : |
Sale fees : |
$ |
Review |
Do you have all your statements and income taxes receipts ? |
Income :
T4, Employment statement, Income insurance, Parental insurance, Retirement income, PSV, RRQ, interests
T5-Dividends, Mutual Funds, Work accidents indemnities, RRSP withdrawal
Deductions :
RRSP, Union or Professional asociations
Self Employed Revenues and expenses (PROVIDE your documents AS SOON AS POSSIBLE)
School fees (must be downloaded by your child on the school web site)
RL-31 from your landlord if your rented an appartment in 2023 (mandatory to receive the solidarity credit)
Did you think about all your medical expenses ? |
Medications, medical insurance cost, glasses, dentist, chiropractor, psychologist, physiotherapist. Note that massage therapy are not deductible. NOTE : Your pharmacist can provide a detailed statement for a minimal fee. If yes, please provide us with teh report and all invoices. |
Did you provide a room for a parent during the year ? |
Did you benefit from the income taxes credit for house care ? |
Did you send any provisional account payments; provide the required information ? |
Federal amount : |
$ |
Provincial amount : |
$ |
First property purchase |
Did you acquire your first property (Income taxes credit opportunity) ? |
Date of purchase : |
Provide us if applicable the amount for the notary, the initial cash down and the "welcome tax" amount. |
Aboce this, did you use the RAP program to purchase your property ? |
If yes, please provide us the RRSP statement to refund according to the federal statement |
Other questions |
Did you own, during the year, foreign assets of value of more than 100 000 dollars CAD ? |
If yes, please describe and indicate the value : |
Are-you subscribe to the direct deposit with Revenu Quebec and Canada Revenue Agency ? |
If not, can you provide us with a void cheque for the Solidarity Credit |
Comments and general notes |
Comments : |